“For husbands, this means love your wives, just as Christ loved the church. He gave up his life for her.” Ephesians 5:25
Congratulations on your Engagement! This is an exciting time in your life and a time where the church can assist you in preparing for the awesome vocation of married life. Preparation for the Sacrament of Matrimony requires the couple to enter into formation so that they may be ready to assume the duties of marriage in mutual and lasting fidelity. Our pastoral staff is here to help you prepare for a beautiful life in the Sacrament of Marriage.
Preparing for Marriage is called “sacramental formation” where a couple begins to learn and prepare for the life long commitment of answering God’s call to Marriage. The program of formation includes several meetings with the Priest, attendance at a workshop called pre-Cana, and the use of an inventory instrument so that the couple can identify their strengths, weakness and formulate a plan for ongoing growth.
A wedding date is not given until after the first meeting with the Priest. Formation of the couple takes a minimum of 6 months prior to the agreed upon wedding date.
To schedule your first meeting with the Priest, please call the parish office 8 months before your planned wedding date.
“Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.” … He who loves his wife loves himself. Genesis 2:24